If you’re struggling financially because of covid-19, we might be able to help.
We have funds available now in our Prevention, Retention and Contingency fund and this money can cover a wide variety of things – rent, utility bills, beds and baby items, to name a few. Because of covid, PRC funding in Hamilton County has grown from $3.5 million before the pandemic to $7.5 million. This fund is designed to help families get over roadblocks that are standing in their way.
Hamilton County Commissioner Alicia Reece today urged Hamilton County residents to see if they’re eligible for this help. It’s available to more people than you might realize, she said – a family of three that earns $43,000 a year, for example. County officials estimate that 30 percent of all Hamilton County families can be eligible.
The money recently was used to help a single mom buy uniforms for her kids who were going back to school, to help a great aunt who took in siblings buy pull-ups and to help another kinship family pay the electric bill.
To apply, call 513-946-7200 or email Hamil_CaresFunding@jfs.ohio.gov.
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