Many new financial resources exist because of the COVID-19 pandemic, and many of the eligibility requirements for existing low-income resources have been expanded to include more people. All the same, over the past year many people have still found it hard to navigate the complexities of the system and connect to these resources. Realizing this, the Hamilton County Board of Commissioners launched a new website this month, 513 Relief (dot) org to serve as a gateway to relief options available to people economically impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The website helps inform and connect individuals and families to a wealth of COVID-19 related resources:
Housing & Utility Relief — keeping your family in your home;
Food Assistance — providing you and your family access to healthy food;
Employment Assistance — unemployment resources and help to look and train for a job;
Small Business Assistance — to help your business survive the economic impact of COVID;
Vaccine & Testing — vaccine information and no cost COVID testing; and
Other Services — services for your mental health, addiction, free wifi, and more;
If you or a loved one has been economically impacted by the pandemic, visit 513 Relief (dot) org to find a wealth of information about the relief resources available in Hamilton County.