Obtaining Birth (or Death) Certificates in Cincinnati
Birth certificates are required by a number of service providers to demonstrate citizenship for service eligibility. The City of Cincinnati issues Birth Certificates for anyone born in Ohio. Certificates are public records and may be obtained by anyone providing the information necessary. More information on how to apply can be found here.
If you are searching for a record of birth that occurred outside the state of Ohio, VitalChek.com provides a list of offices in each State that provide vital records information (including death certificates, marriage and divorce certificates). The information provided includes the mailing address, fees associated, and payment forms accepted for each type of record. For most records they also offer an online form for ordering and payment if you have a credit card. Please use the information they provide to call the vital records office of interest, before mailing anything, to verify that the fees and procedures provided by vitalcheck.com are correct. Some of their fee information may be outdated, so its best to check prior to sending any money.
A link to the Vitalchek.com website, as well as the Cincinnati Vital Records website, is included for convenience on the Resource Directory page, under the category “IDs & Citizenship”.

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