Online AA “Big Book” with chapters in .pdf format
The book “Alcoholics Anonymous”, also known in the AA community as the “Big Book”, has been available online for some time now, but has only recently been presented (legally) with each chapter available individually in .pdf format. The purpose of the book Alcoholics Anonymous which was first published in the 1930s, is to provide step by step instructions on how to recover from alcoholism. Now that individual chapters are available in .pdf format, individuals with an interest in the book, can download chapters to read which include detailed instructions on working the steps, such as “Chapter 5: How it Works“. Having instructions for the infamous 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous available to interested parties at no cost is a HUGE benefit to individuals suffering from alcoholism, as well their treatment professionals. A link to the book online can be found on the Resource Links page, under the section titled “Addiction Treatment Resources”, or by clicking here:

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