Partner Spotlight: City Gospel Mission
Strategies to End Homelessness is proud to have City Gospel Mission as a partner
in ending homelessness in Greater Cincinnati.
The Mission and vision of City Gospel Mission
Founded by James N. Gamble of Procter & Gamble in 1924, City Gospel Mission helps the homeless and hurting break the cycle of poverty and despair one life at a time. City Gospel Mission works to engage, equip and empower those in need with the spiritual, emotional, mental and physical skills and resources to achieve long-term life transformation and self-sufficiency. Programs and services are centered on caring, personal relationships focused in four key service areas: food and shelter, recovery, at-risk youth and job readiness and placement. City Gospel Mission collaborates with more than 350 local churches and 2,500 volunteers to annually serve more than 6,800 adults and 3,500 youth. Their housing programs provide over 42,000 nights of safe shelter each year.
City Gospel Mission Assists Those Experiencing Homelessness
Through a holistic mix of addiction recovery, case management, and aftercare services, City Gospel Mission prepares their formerly homeless clients for the real world by giving them the tools to make themselves successful.
When a man’s in need of emergency shelter, our Central Access Point can place him in a City Gospel Mission bed. Together, the shelter builds camaraderie and trust shelter by sharing in meals, friendship and hope. They believe these three aspects to be integral to giving men the support they need to reclaim their lives. In addition to food and shelter, recovery services are available on-site. Then, after graduating from their goal-oriented recovery, temporary but stable housing is available.
Solving Homelessness through Transitional Housing
Strategies to End Homelessness is proud to have City Gospel Mission as a partner in ending homelessness through their Transitional Housing program. Transitional Housing is a site-based supportive housing model for homeless individuals. Specifically, programs provide extended shelter and supportive services for homeless individuals. To be clear, the goal is to help people live independently and transition into permanent housing.
At City Gospel Mission, Transitional Housing allows men to live independently while they maintain their sobriety. Case managers provide supportive services, and help men find sustainable, long-term housing options.
GeneroCity 513: Jobs Van
Offering a positive alternative to panhandling while connecting people to life-changing services. The Jobs Van operates four days per week. it picks up 10 individuals each day and transports them to a job site for a day’s work.
Each morning, pick-ups are made at random locations in downtown Cincinnati and Over-the-Rhine. Participants engage in community beautification efforts and are provided a free lunch. Participants are paid $9/hour in cash for their labor at the end of their shift. Giving someone the opportunity to work instead of panhandling gives more than just an honest day’s wages. It gives them dignity.
And helping restore someone’s dignity is one of our primary goals at City Gospel Mission.
You Can Help!
Of course, City Gospel Mission has several ways to get involved . From tutoring children, or guiding at-risk youths at their annual camp, City Gospel Mission has many opportunities to explore.
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