Find Out If You’re Registered And Where To Vote!
Election day is approaching! This year the general election is Tuesday, November 5th. If you or someone you know needs information about how, when, or where to vote, the following information may be helpful.

How to verify you are registered to vote:
The Hamilton County Board of Elections has a link to check your voter registration status. You must provide your name, AND address, to verify whether you are registered. If you are registered, the portal will also provide the address of where you should go to vote, as well as a sample ballot. You can use the sample ballot to familiarize yourself with the issues and candidates on the ballot before you go to vote.
If you are not registered, or need to update your registration information, the State of Ohio has an online voter registration page. The page has information about where you can go to register in person, as well as how to register by mail or online. Either way, you will need to have or obtain an official Ohio identification card or driver’s license in order to register
The deadline for all voter registration options is 30 days prior to the election. If you are registering by mail, it must be postmarked by the voter registration deadline. If you register in person or online, you must do so by the 30th day before the election. You, or another person acting on your behalf, also may deliver your application to one of the offices of the board of elections. If you miss the deadline, you will not be eligible to vote until subsequent elections. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE 2024 DEADLINE TO REGISTER FOR THE GENERAL ELECTION HAS ALREADY EXPIRED.
Assistance Available for People with Disabilities:
Assistance is available for voters with a disability, or for voters unable to read or write. A Guide to Resources Available for Disabled Voters is available for download from the Office of the Secretary of State.
Each polling place has an Access Station that is equipped with audio voting instructions, has larger print, and can accommodate tactile switches and sip-and-puff devices so voters may vote privately and independently.
Disabled individuals may bring someone with them to provide assistance, or request physical assistance at the voting location. A voter with a disability who is unable to enter the polling location, may additionally request poll workers provide a ballot curbside and vote from their car. A full list of resources provided by the Hamilton County Board of Elections for people with disabilities can be found on their website.
If you don’t know where to vote:
There is an online voting portal you can use to find the address of your local voting location. Early voting takes place during the four weeks prior to election day at the Hamilton County Board of Elections, located at 4700 Smith Road. There is an early voting schedule available that provides their operating hours prior to the election. If you are voting in person on election day, Tuesday November 7th, the hours of operation of your local polling station are 6:30am to 7:30pm.
What to bring with you:
In order to vote, you must bring an acceptable photo ID that matches the name and current address of your voter registration record. Acceptable photo IDs include an Ohio driver license, a State of Ohio ID (or Ohio interim ID papers), a State of Ohio or Federal government photo ID, or an Ohio concealed weapons ID.
If you are registered to vote but don’t have one of these documents with you when you go to vote, you can still complete a provisional ballot, which will be counted if you come back and show the needed documentation within 7 days.
You can find more resources related to voting and citizenship by selecting the “IDs & Citizenship” category tab on our Social Service “Utilization Library” page.