Local Food Pantries Sorted by Zip Code
THIS ARTICLE HAS EXPIRED. LINKS HAVE BEEN REMOVED TO COMPLY WITH QUALITY ASSURANCE GUIDELINES. The Cincinnati Freestore compiles a list of local food pantries with addresses and contact information. This is a great resource if you know someone or a family in need of food assistance. It is also a great resource if you are financially able to support your local food pantry. We have edited the most recent version of the document so that it is sorted by zip code, making it easier to identify the local food pantries available in your area (click here to open).
While we will try to keep our list updated, aways check the most recent version of the list compiled by the Cincinnati Freestore to verify status and operational times of the local pantry of interest. Thank you to the Cincinnati Freestore for making this resource publicly available to local residents in need and those wanting to help!

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