Strategies to End Homelessness



Strategies to End Homelessness

Location of Local United Resource Connection

Cincinnati, OH

Area(s) of Expertise

Housing Issues

Agency Information

Agency Website


2368 Victory Parkway, Suite 600, Cincinnati, Ohio 45206

Phone Number


Agency Services

Housing Issues

Other Areas of Expertise / Description of Agency Services

Our Mission
Since 2007, <strong>Strategies to End Homelessness</strong> has led a coordinated community effort with the goal of ending homelessness in Greater Cincinnati.

Our Vision
We envision a community in which everyone has a stable home and the resources needed to maintain it.

What We Do
We work in partnership with<a href="; rel="nofollow"> 30 non-profit organizations</a> to coordinate a <a href="; rel="nofollow">centralized emergency shelter hotline</a>, homelessness <a href="; rel="nofollow">prevention</a>, street outreach, emergency shelter and provide housing solutions.
Because of our work, Cincinnati is recognized across the Country. Specifically, as a leader in implementing innovative and effective programs to end homelessness.  In December 2015, the <strong>U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)</strong> named <strong>Strategies to End Homelessness</strong> a <strong>Unified Funding Agency</strong>. This is in recognition of the strength of our community’s homeless services system. There are more than 410 individual federally-funded homeless services systems in the U.S. Strategies to End Homelessness is only 1 of 8 to be named as <strong>Unified Funding Agency</strong>.
<strong>Strategies to End Homelessness</strong> receives funding in part by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), City of Cincinnati, and Hamilton County. Additionally, we are proud to be a United Way Agency Partner.