Metro Detours for Taste of Cincinnati & Memorial Day

Detours for the annual Taste of Cincinnati events begin downtown on Wednesday May 22nd at 6 AM and will last until Tuesday May 28th at 5 PM.
5th Street will be closed from Walnut to Columbia Parkway. Consequently there are several changes in boarding locations.
The following routes will board at 5th Street in front of the Westin Hotel instead of their regular location: Route 1, 2, 3x, 23x, 25, 27, 28, 29x, 30, 49, 50, 75x, and 82x.
The following routes will board at 6th and Main Street for Government Square Area H instead of their regular location: Route 4, 6, 16, 32, and 90 MetroPlus.
Beginning Sunday May 26th, Route 72x will board at 5th and Walnut Streets for Government Square Area D. This route’s service will begin Sunday May 26th.
You can find and subscribe to complete detour information on the Metro website.
Metro’s summer service change takes place this Sunday, May 26th, as well. Fourteen routes will have updated schedules, including routing changes on Route 43 to better serve visits to Walmart, Menard’s and other vendors in the Evendale Commons, as well as the start of seasonal Route 72X service to Kings Island.
For Memorial Day, Monday May 27th, Metro will operate on a Saturday schedule. For complete schedule information visit the Metro website.
You can find more Transportation resources by selecting the “Transportation” tab on our “Social Service Utilization Library” page.