Need Help with your Duke Bills? Here’s How to Schedule an Appointment for HEAP & PIPP
The Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) is a federally funded program that provides eligible Ohioans assistance with their energy bills. This one-time benefit is applied directly to the customer’s utility bill or bulk fuel bill.
The Percentage of Income Payment Plan (PIPP) helps eligible Ohioans manage their energy bills year- round. Payments are based on a percentage of household income and are consistent year-round. If your home is heated with gas, you will have a monthly payment of 6% of your household income for your natural gas bill, and 6% of your household income for your electric bill. If you heat with electric, your monthly payment is 10% of your household income. The balance of your utility bill is subsidized by the state of Ohio. There is a minimum monthly payment of $10.00. Paying on-time and in-full each month reduces your outstanding balance. If you make 24 on-time and in-full payments, your outstanding balance with your utility company will be eliminated. Once you are enrolled in the PIPP program, you are required to re-verify your income each year. You must also be caught up on all your PIPP payments by your Anniversary Date, which is the date you signed up for PIPP. Failure to report changes in the household income or household members, missing a payment, or not re-verifying your income can result in being dropped from the program.
Any one of these ways will get you in the door!
-> ONLINE at h t t p s : / /
-> A SAME DAY APPOINTMENT call 513-569-1850 Option #2 only between the hours of 9am through 11am, Monday thru Thursday for an afternoon appointment on the same day. Please wait for a confirmation number to register and confirm the appointment.
-> 28 DAY APPOINTMENT call 1-866-747-1039. This line is available 24 hours to make an appointment. Please wait for a confirmation number to register and confirm the appointment.
-> SENIOR CITIZENS (60 YEARS & OVER) call 513-569-1850 Option #3. This line is available during the Community Action Agency’s business hours only, Monday through Friday from 8am to 5pm.
Who is eligible for HEAP?
Ohioans with a household income at or below 175 percent of the federal poverty guidelines are eligible for the program.
For 2020-2021, the income levels are:
Size of Household | Total Household Income 12 Months |
1 | up to $22,330 |
2 | up to $30,170 |
3 | up to $38,010 |
4 | up to $45,850 |
5 | up to $53,690 |
6 | up to $61,530 |
7 | up to $69,370 |
8 | up to $77,210 |
For more details, visit:
Who is eligible for PIPP?
Ohioans with a household income at or below 150 percent of the federal poverty guidelines and have utility service from an electric or natural gas company regulated by the Public Utility Commission of Ohio are eligible for the program. A household applying for PIPP must report total gross household income for the past 30 days (12 months preferred) for all members, except wage or salary income earned by dependent minors under 18 years old. Both homeowners and renters are eligible for assistance.
For 2019-2020, the income levels are:
Size of Household | Total Household Income 12 Months |
1 | up to $ 19,140 |
2 | up to $ 25,860 |
3 | up to $ 32,580 |
4 | up to $ 39,300 |
5 | up to $ 46,020 |
6 | up to $ 52,740 |
7 | up to $ 59,460 |
8 | up to $ 66,180 |
For households with more than 8 members, add $6,720 for each additional member.
For more details, visit:

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