Schedule of FREE Legal Clinics in Tri State Area
There are a number of opportunities to receive FREE legal assistance in the tri state area of Ohio, Indiana, and Kentucky. The Cincinnati VA Medical Center has released a flyer which provides information about these clinics and their schedule of operations. This flyer can be downloaded for distribution to interested parties.
The schedule and tri state area clinic details are as follows.
The Legal Aid Society of Cincinnati, along with the organization Pro Seniors, provide a clinic the 2nd Sunday of every month from 10 AM to Noon, at the Cincinnati VA Medical Center, located at 3200 Vine Street. You check in for this service on the 7th floor in Room B705c. Interested parties can email David Kelley or Matt Barnes, who serve as points of contact for the clinic. Their phone numbers are in the flyer. Pro Seniors provides education, advice, advocacy and representation for seniors in Ohio at no cost. The Legal Aid of Society of Greater Cincinnati helps individuals who’s before tax income is less than 200% of the federal poverty guidelines.
On the 3rd Tuesday of every month, from 2 to 3 PM, Volunteer Lawyers of Southeast Indiana provide a clinic at Miller Flannery Law, located on 318 Walnut Street in Lawrenceburg, Indiana. Interested parties can email Adrienne Flannery or Alan Miller. Their phone numbers are in the flyer. They provide legal assistance to low income individuals with legal needs in Dearborn, Fayette, Franklin, Jefferson, Ohio, Ripley, Switzerland, Union, and Wayne Counties. In order to qualify, an application must be completed to obtain household income and information. Applicants must have a household income no greater than 125% of the federal poverty guidelines. The application is available online.
On the 1st Friday of every month from 1 to 3 PM, Legal Aid of the Bluegrass provides a clinic in the Fort Thomas Domiciliary conference room, located at 1000 South Fort Thomas Avenue, in Fort Thomas, Kentucky. Interested parties can email Brandie Ingalls, or call her at 859-431-3009. Legal Aid of the Bluegrass serves low-income families with children, the elderly, Veterans and people needing access to healthcare. Individuals must have a before tax income of 125% or below the federal poverty guidelines in order to qualify for services, yet may be able to receive a waiver if income is within 125% to 200% of the federal poverty guidelines.
For Veterans there is also a Discharge Upgrade Review Clinic Hotline available the first Friday of every month from 1 to 3 PM. The hotline is hosted by Northern Kentucky University at 857-572-6918. The hotline connects callers to assistance in reviewing discharge upgrade possibilities. Interested parties can email Brad Steffen. This service is not limited to Kentucky residents. Any veteran in the U.S. can call to inquire.
You can find more resources related to veterans and legal aid by selecting the “Legal Aid” and or “Veteran Resources” tab on our “Social Service Utilization Library” page.