Smart 9 1 1 for Hamilton County Residents

Hamilton County participates in a program called “Smart 9 1 1,” which provides an emergency alert and messaging system to which anyone can freely subscribe. The system is designed to provide messages about emergency situations occurring locally, and is customizable. Users are able to choose from 42 different types of local emergencies they wish to be notified about, and whether they want to receive messages about them by text, email, and or automated phone call.
The types of alerts include weather warnings about air quality, extreme heat and cold emergencies, storms and tornados; as well as municipal alerts and messages about shelter-in-place and evacuation orders.
The system additionally allows you to upload information you believe would be helpful for first responders to know about you if they are responding to an emergency in which you are involved. This allows first responders to know exactly what you want them to know during any kind of emergency. You can add information about members of your household, medical details, disabilities and equipment, address and property details, as well as emergency contact information and communication preferences.
This is a great resource for vulnerable populations that may need more time to respond to emergencies, as well as those who may have special needs that would otherwise not be known to first responders.
There is a flyer available for download to share with individuals and families that may benefit from this local service. You can sign up and customize emergency alert notifications by visiting the Hamilton County Smart 9 1 1 link.
You can learn more about the Hamilton County Emergency Management Agency and the Smart 9 1 1 partnership by visiting the Hamilton County Emergency Management webpage. You can find more resources for vulnerable populations and primary health care by selecting the “Primary Medical Care” category tab on our Social Service “Utilization Library” page.