Domestic Violence Awareness Month: Information on Local Services & Shelters

National Domestic Violence Awareness Month, observed every October, serves as a crucial reminder of the pervasive issue of domestic violence and its lasting impact on individuals, families, and communities. This month-long campaign aims to raise public awareness about the signs, effects, and prevention of domestic abuse, including resources for individuals and families effected.
It is important to share statistics about domestic violence, especially for those effected to know that they are not alone in their experience. Over 10 million people experience domestic violence each year, regardless of age, economic status, sexual orientation, race, nationality, or religion. Over 85 percent of reported victims are women. Additional statistics from the National Network to End Domestic Violence include the following:
One in five women, and one in 59 men, are raped in their lifetimes.
One in four women, and one in seven men, experience severe physical abuse by an intimate partner in their lifetimes.
One in six women, and one in 19 men, experience stalking in their lifetimes.
A woman is murdered by a male intimate partner with a gun every sixteen hours.
Domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence and stalking, disproportionately impact women and members of underserved communities.
Local Shelters
There are a number of shelters in Hamilton County for victims of domestic violence, including secret shelters at locations not disclosed publicly for the safety of residents.
The YWCA has a Hotline for these local shelters, with representatives available 24/7, at (513) 872-9259. They can make connections to crisis intervention, case management, shelter, and basic needs for survivors and their children who are victims of intimate partner violence, sexual assault, and/or human trafficking. The age limit for male children is 18.
Additional Resources
If you or someone you know needs help, call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1 (800) 799-7233, or Text 8 8 7 8 8. The National Domestic Violence Hotline provides an anonymous connection and help for finding local resources and providers.
You can find a list of national resources for victims and survivors of domestic violence on the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence website. There you will find specific resources for different demographics, such as Latino, Asian Pacific Islander, Immigrant, Indigenous, African American, and LGBTQ individuals; as well as resources for specific types of domestic abuse, such as Child Abuse, Elder Abuse, and Sexual Assault; including legal aid resources.
You can find additional agency addresses and phone numbers using the “Agencies & Programs Database” within our social service resource library.