Free Farmers Market for Veterans last Friday of every month.

The Cincinnati VA Medical Center hosts a free Farmers Market the last Friday of every month from 10am to 12 noon. Fresh fruit, vegetables and non-perishable items are available here free to veterans and their families. The Cincinnati VA Medical Center is located at 3200 Vine Street.
The VA medical center campus is large and it can be difficult to find the location of the Farmers Market there. We have a pdf available for download that provides a map to the location.
The pdf prints double sided. When printed it can be cut into 4 separate cards, with information about the Farmers Market on one side, and the map on the other side of each. Please feel free to distribute these cards to veterans you know in need of food assistance.
You can find more resources related to food assistance and veteran resources by selecting the “food and clothing” and/or “veteran resources” option from the dropdown tab on our Social Service “Utilization Library” page.