FREE & Low-Cost Winter Indoor Pickleball and Tennis Programs for Youth and those with Disabilities

The Cincinnati Tennis Foundation is offering Free and Low-Cost winter indoor pickleball and tennis programs this winter for youth and those with disabilities. All programs will be held at the Walnut Hills High School Indoor Tennis Center, located at 1515 Jonathan Avenue. All equipment is provided.
Pickleball & Tennis for Youth
On Saturday November 4th, and December 9th, from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM, there will be a FREE drop-in one-hour Youth Tennis and Pickleball program. The program is designed to provide an opportunity for youth learn how to play the games, and to learn more about programming available at the Cincinnati Tennis Foundation. Ongoing tennis and pickleball programs are available for youth ages 1st through 8th grade.
The ongoing courses cost $75 for the winter session, lasting 11/4/2023 to 12/19/2023. There are three age based groups available. The youngest group is for 7 year olds and younger. It costs $75 per child for the winter session. The next age group is for 8 through 10 year olds, which also costs $75 a child for the winter session. The older age group is for youth 11 years old and older, which cost $150 per child for the winter session. Discounts for low income individuals are available, such as 66% off for incomes under $30,000, and 33% off for incomes between $30,000 and $60,000.
There are also two competitive programs offered for the older two age groups, from November 2nd to December 21st. These programs costs $240 per child for the winter session. The same 66% and 33% discounts for low income individuals apply. The competitive winter session meets on Mondays and Thursdays from 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM, and Saturdays from 11 AM to 12:30.
More information about these ongoing YOUTH programs is available on the Cincinnati Tennis foundation website. You can register for the one-hour FREE event online.
Wheelchair Tennis
The Cincinnati Tennis foundation also has a beginners course for individuals in wheelchairs on Tuesdays from 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM, November 7th through December 19th. This course cost $150, with discounts for low income individuals, such as 66% off for incomes under $30,000, and 33% off for incomes between $30,000 and $60,000. More information about this program is available on the Cincinnati Tennis Foundation website.
Tennis for the Blind and Visually Impaired
There is also a tennis program for blind and visually impaired individuals, available free of charge, monthly on the second Tuesday of the month, from 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM. The program is available December through February. More information about this program is available on the Cincinnati Tennis Foundation website.
Scholarship Applications
Scholarship applications for all programs may be downloaded from The Cincinnati Tennis Foundation website.
Contact for any further questions about wheelchair tennis and programs for the visually impaired. Contact for any further questions about youth tennis and pickleball programs.
You can find more resources related to youth development and recreational resources by selecting the “Youth Development” and or “Recreation” category tab on our “Social Service Utilization Library” page.