FREE Shakespeare in the Park: “The Comedy of Errors” Schedule & Locations 2023

The Cincinnati Shakespeare Company annually performs FREE Shakespeare plays in the park. This year they will be performing William Shakespeare’s play “The Comedy of Errors”. The performances are on different days, July 14th through September 3rd. All performances are at 7pm, and each performance is held at a different park throughout the Greater Cincinnati Area. The schedule and locations for this year’s FREE performances (in 2023) can be found on their website, and is also available as a pdf for download.

Two of the performances will include a sign language interpreter, for those who are hearing impaired: the July 30th performance at Devou Park in Covington; and the August 11th performance at Summit Park in Blue Ash. One of the performances will include a live audio description for the visually impaired: the August 27th performance at Washington Park on Elm Street.

Admission to Cincinnati Shakespeare Company’s Shakespeare in the Park Tour is free and open to the public. There are no ticket or RSVPs required and all performances are general admission. For questions regarding a specific location’s policies on outside food and drink, safety protocols, etc. please contact the venue directly.

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Shared by: United Resource Connection