Hamilton County’s 5 1 3 Relief Bus Services
Hamilton County has a bus that visits local neighborhoods to provide health screenings, mobile healthcare, and enrollment assistance for a wide variety of social services and economic relief programs. The bus is called the “5 1 3 Relief Bus”.

The 5 1 3 Relief bus schedules visits with municipalities throughout Hamilton County, so that neighborhoods in need have a scheduled day of service. The bus arrives in the neighborhood on the morning of the visit, and provides services on a walk-in basis from 10 AM until 3 PM. The service is free.
The current schedule of visits is available online. A map is provided that shows the locations of upcoming visits and the services that will be provided at those locations.
Questions about the service can be directed via email.
You can find more resources related to primary medical care and financial assistance by selecting the “Primary Medical Care” or “Financial Resources” category tabs on our Social Service “Utilization Library page.