Library Resources Celebrating Black History Month

The Cincinnati Hamilton County Library has a number of resources and events Celebrating Black History.
February 10th, 17th, and 24th, from 6 PM to 8 PM, The Forest Park Branch Library is hosting a three-part local history series about Glendale’s historically black segregated school. Topics include the role of the Supreme Court case Brown vs The Board of Education, contributions of leaders in the local community, and effects on the community today. Registration is not required.
On February 15th, from 4:15 PM to 5 PM, the Walnut Hills Branch Library in partnership with the Cincinnati Museum Center, will host a presentation about the Underground Railroad. The event will showcase photographs, maps, navigational tools, replica shackles and true stories of historical figures. Registration is required.
February 24th, from 11:30 to 1 PM, the Reading Branch Library in partnership with the Cincinnati Art Museum, will host a lunch and learn focussed on African American Art. The event will showcase diverse media such as sculpture, glass, painting, and photography. Lunch will be provided by Cincinnati Meals on Wheels at no cost. Registration required by February 17th.
The Cincinnati Hamilton County Library also has a digital library of Cincinnati Newspapers from the 1800s. These papers include a column featuring news and social events from the city’s Black community. The newspapers are available in the library’s digital library online, and include archives of the Cincinnati Commercial Gazette, the Cincinnati Enquirer, and the Cincinnati Times-Star.
You can find more information about Black History Month library events by referring to the Cincinnati Hamilton County Library calendar available online.
You can find more resources related to diversity and inclusion by selecting the “Diversity & Inclusion” category tab on our “Social Service Utilization Library” page.