Ohio Means Jobs Office

The Ohio Means Jobs Office provides a number of services to help job seekers connect to employers and find fulfilling work. These services include: Free Educational Workshops, Career Coaching and Job Leads, Hiring Events, Training, and Job Transportation services. The office helps dislocated workers and individuals with barriers to employment, and also provides services for veterans and their families.
Visit the office to register for any of these services between 8am and 5pm, Monday through Friday. Walk-ins are welcome anytime within these hours. The office is located at 1916 Central Parkway Cincinnati, OH, 45214 . Public Transportation can be used to reach the office, and free parking is available adjacent to the building in a two-level parking lot. Metered parking is also available along the street. Optionally you can complete the registration form for these services before your arrival to save time.
The office additionally provides a resource room open with limited access for a healthy, uncrowded environment. This resource room is available from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. It has computers and can serve as a study area for your online job research and skill development. There are also GED and/or NCRC certificate practice tests available here.
There is also a wealth of information and valuable tools on their website that you can access from anywhere . Two of these forms available for download include the Transferable Skills Checklist, and the Job Search Log.
The Transferable Skills Checklist helps you identify your most valuable transferable job skills. You can use this checklist to keep track of what you’re skilled in, reference these skills on your resume, or bring the completed checklist into the jobs office to have a career coach match you with a job that fits you.
The Job Search Log helps you keep track of where you applied and when, your application status, and whether or not you followed up.
You can find more resources related to Jobs & Vocational Rehabilitation by selecting the “Vocational Resources” option from the dropdown tab on our Social Service “Utilization Library” page.

Tags: Archive, From the Director, News