GCWW Wants Help Sharing Resource Information
As you may know, Greater Cincinnati Water Works recently began water disconnections due to delinquent bills, after pausing them for the COVID-19 pandemic. Greater Cincinnati Water Works and other area organizations have financial assistance available to get water service restored but need your help getting the word out.
If you or someone you know is facing disconnection or has already been shut off, Greater Cincinnati Water Works and its partners have a variety of ways to assist you:
1) For Eligible Tenants who live within the City of Cincinnati, The Emergency Rental Assistance Program will pay up to 18 months of past-due and current water, sewer, and stormwater charges. Call 513.591.7700 for more information about eligibility requirements and how to access this program.
2) For Property Owners within the City of Cincinnati,
Hamilton County’s Rent & Utility Program will pay up to 12 months for past-due and current rent and utilities for households at or below 80% of the Area Median Income. Call 2 1 1 or text 211CARES to 51555 for more information about this program.
3) For Tenants & Owners Anywhere in Hamilton County, The Community Action Agency offers help with rent, mortgage, water, and other utilities for households at or below 150% of the Area Median Income. Call 513.569.1840, option #4, for more information about this program.
4) For Senior Citizens Anywhere in Hamilton County, The Council on Aging offers utility bill assistance for Hamilton County residents age 60 and older who do not qualify for other programs. Call 513.743.9000, for more information about this program.
5) For Property Owners Anywhere in Ohio, The Save the Dream Ohio Program provides help for mortgage and utility bills for eligible Ohio homeowners. Call 888.362.6432, for more information about this program.
Download a flyer of this information available in English and Spanish, and share with anyone you know in need of this assistance!
The format and/or content of this post has been edited to fit guidelines of the Cincinnati Chapter of United Resource Connection for this rebroadcast.
You can find more resources related to financial assistance by selecting the “financial resources” option from the dropdown tab on our “Find Help Now” Resource Library Search page.

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