Harm Reduction Program Offers Overdose Rescue Resources
Hamilton County Public Health offers an Overdose Rescue app to help connect care providers to resources preventing fatal opiate overdose. The app is FREE and can guide people responding to an overdose event. You can download the Overdose Rescue App from the Google Play or Apple App Store.
Features include:
-Detailed step-by-step guidance for responding to a suspected overdose;
-Naloxone administration and CPR instructions;
-App will read directions aloud for hands free education while administering assistance;
-Directions for getting Narcan delivered; and the
-Ability to report locations of overdoses.
This free app is a result of Hamilton County Public Health dedication to helping vulnerable populations during the addiction crisis. Substance use can lead to an increase in hepatitis, HIV, and sexually transmitted infections. Hamilton County Public Health’s Harm Reduction program offers compassion, education, and resources to the community.
What is the Harm Reduction Program? Harm Reduction is a community framework that tries to remove negative consequences related to drug use. The harm reduction program offers a comprehensive, community based program that provides disease prevention, education and referral services, for example:
Substance Abuse Education includes:
-Overdose prevention;
-Access to NARCAN (Naloxone);
-Injection education; and
-Safe injection equipment and disposal (i.e., the Syringe Services Program).
Safe Sex Education includes:
-Hepatitis vaccinations;
-Personal care items like condoms; and
-Referral for treatment for diseases like hepatitis, HIV and other STIs.
The program also provides:
Referral for pregnancy testing and sexual healthcare;
Maternal health education; and
Referrals to providers for medical, mental health, and addiction treatment services
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, people who inject drugs and use a Harm Reduction Program are FIVE times more likely to enter treatment for substance use disorder and are more likely to reduce or stop injecting. Harm reduction saves lives.
The format and/or content of this post has been edited to fit guidelines of the Cincinnati Chapter of United Resource Connection for this rebroadcast.
You can find more resources related to addiction treatment by selecting the “Addiction Treatment” option from the dropdown tab on our Social Service “Utilization Library” page. These resources include an online application form to receive an opiate overdose rescue kit by mail, and a location schedule for where during the week to find the Hamilton County Ohio syringe exchange program.

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