Free Print and Fax Services at Hamilton County Public Libraries
The Library offers free printing services at all of the Hamilton County locations. You may print 20 pages per day for free. Additional pages can be printed at a cost of $0.15 per page in black and white and $0.25 per page in color. You do not need a library card to use this service.

The Library also offers free faxing services at all Hamilton County locations. There is no page limit, and you do not need a library card to use this service. You may fax single-sided or double-sided pages. Faxes take about a minute per page to send. A printed confirmation sheet is available and the Library will provide a cover sheet.
There is also a new Fax status portal available online. Using this portal one can view the status of faxes sent by the library that day. This enables you to check back later for a fax confirmation receipt, without having to wait around. Library staff can resend faxes. Fax confirmation pages are only available the same day as fax is sent. Make sure to ask library staff for help if you need to fax paperwork to Job and Family Services. You can view a map of all the Hamilton County Public Library locations on their website, to find the closest location to you.
You can find more resources related to financial assistance by selecting the “Financial Resources” category tab on our Social Service “Utilization Library” page.