License amnesty offer extended by JFS
Hamilton County Department of Job & Family Services has announced that they will be extending their amnesty offer to parents whose licenses have been suspended for failure to pay child support.

The agency’s You Drive, They Thrive campaign, started last month in connection with national Child Support Awareness Month, emphasizes the importance of parents getting back on track with paying support so their children can have their needs met. It will continue through September.
Since the campaign began a month ago:
Forty-seven individuals participated. In July, those individuals paid a total of just over $800. Last month, with the launch of the amnesty program, those same parents paid more than $10,200.
Delinquent parents can have their driver’s or professional license reinstated by paying a portion of their total child support obligation, or by reporting their employment information so wages can be garnished. Parents can determine if they qualify for license reinstatement by calling 513-946-7387.
“We want to help parents take care of their children,” said Michael Patton, HCJFS director. “This is a chance for parents to get back on track and to get their licenses back.”
The campaign is being advertised on bus shelters throughout Hamilton County and in social media.
The Department’s Child Support Enforcement Agency handles about 68,000 cases each month involving more than 225,000 county residents. Last year, it collected more than $133 million for families that might not otherwise have had the financial support necessary to pay for such items as food, medical care, child care, school clothes and school supplies.
All parents who participate in the amnesty program sign a license-reinstatement agreement which commits them to staying on track with child support payments.
For more details about the program, see our previous article titled “Child Support Amnesty in August“.
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Tags: amnesty, Archive, Child Support, News