Mortgage & Property Tax Help Still Available

If you own a home in Hamilton County Ohio and need assistance with your property taxes or mortgage, you may be eligible for assistance through one of three programs funded through federal stimulus money.
While programs like the Emergency Rental Assistance Program in Hamilton County have been suspended due to lack of funding, Homeowners assistance is still available and accepting applications. The Hamilton County commissioners report there is still $4 million dollars available in this fund to assist homeowners. Letters will be sent to eligible homeowners that are behind in property taxes, to notify them of the assistance available. Even if you are not behind in your property taxes you may still be eligible for help.
To qualify, households must have been dealt a financial blow by the COVID pandemic. Homeowners must earn less than 300 percent of the federal poverty level. A family of four, for example, could qualify if they have less than $83,000 annual income. For each additional family member add $14,160 to determine eligibility .

There are three programs to consider:
1) The Hamilton County Mortgage, Property Tax, and Utility Program (HCJFS). The Hamilton County Mortgage & Utility Program helps residents who are at or below 300% of the Federal Poverty Level:
What You Need to Apply:
- Current and/or past-due household bills, e.g., mortgage, property tax, and/or utility bills; and
- Vendor Registration Form filled out by Mortgage Holder
For more information email
If you experience difficulty with the online application, you may call (513) 946-7200 between 10 am – 2pm.
2) The Save the Dream Ohio Program. Save the Dream Ohio is administered by the Ohio Housing Finance Agency and funded by the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Homeowner Assistance Fund. This program provides a one-time payment to your participating servicer to bring you current on your mortgage. The payment may cover principal, interest, fees, and/or delinquent taxes. Homeowners with gross annual incomes less than 150% of the household area median income, who experienced a financial hardship due to a material reduction in income, or material increase in living expenses associated with the coronavirus pandemic MAY be eligible.
For more information email:
or call (888) 404-4674
3) The Ohio Home Relief Program. The State of Ohio has designated a portion of the CARES funding to help low-income Ohioans who have fallen behind on their rent, mortgage, and water bills through the Ohio Home Relief Grant. Cincinnati-Hamilton County Community Action Agency is administering the OHRG in Hamilton County.
You can find more resources related to financial aid and housing by selecting the “Financial Resources” and/or “Housing” option from the dropdown tab on our Social Service “Utilization Library” page.

Tags: Archive, From the Director, News