Cincinnati Social Service News

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Legal Clinic for Veterans, April 10th, 2023

The Cincinnati VA Medical Center hosts a legal clinic to provide veterans with advice, consultation and referrals on a range of topics. These topics include: consumer disputes, estate planning, evictions, family law, and public benefits. These clinics are held on the 2nd Monday each month, from 10am until noon. The

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Shared by United Resource Connection March 24, 2023

Create an OHIO ID to access Ohio Career Hub is an official government website of the State of Ohio. The website provides resources for finding a job, learning career skills, and meeting the job requirements that accompany some government benefits. It also serves as a free resource for Ohio employers looking for workers. An OHIO ID provides a secure,

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Shared by United Resource Connection March 22, 2023

NKU Event for Active Military and Veteran Community March 23rd.

Thursday March 23rd, Northern Kentucky University will host an event for active military and the veteran community. The event will provide resources, education, and other activities from 1pm through 5pm on the campus at 500 Louie B Nunn Drive, in Newport, KY. The event is FREE and open to all.

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Shared by United Resource Connection March 20, 2023

FREE Classroom Resources for High School Mental Health

The University of Michigan Depression Center, in partnership with area teachers, has developed a number of FREE online resources, for use in classrooms. The resources are meant to help teachers and other school professionals improve communication, promote wellness, and reduce stigma regarding mental health. Their online portal provides FREE classroom

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Shared by United Resource Connection March 17, 2023

Individuals with Lived Homeless Experience Needed for Paid Work Groups

Cincinnati’s Continuum of Care is seeking individuals or persons in families who are currently or formerly homeless to provide input and policy recommendations on local efforts to ensure the homelessness system is effective and equitable. Qualifying applicants must commit to attending monthly Work Group meetings and enter into a Consulting

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Shared by Strategies to End Homelessness March 16, 2023

Crisis Text Line

Not all crises require suicide watch. In addition to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, 9 8 8, a new service is available nationally that allows individuals in crisis to text a crisis counselor, about any topic. Individuals can Text HOME to 7 4 1 7 4 1 from anywhere in the United States, anytime,

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Shared by United Resource Connection March 10, 2023

Altafiber Announces Participation in Affordable Connectivity Program

Altafiber, formerly Cincinnati Bell, is now promoting their participation in the Federal Affordable Connectivity Program, which provides a $30 discount on internet service for eligible households. Eligibility for the federal program is based on household income (at or below 200% of federal poverty guidelines). Applicants who receive in SNAP, SSI,

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Shared by United Resource Connection March 9, 2023

Meetups for People with Disabilities & The One Mile Flying Pig Event

Hamilton County Developmental Disabilities Services has partnered with Queen City Running Club to host “PigAbilities Meetups” and help participants get ready for the one-mile event during Flying Pig weekend. The meetups are an opportunity for people to get outside and get active. They are also a chance to connect and

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Shared by United Resource Connection March 2, 2023

FREE Training Video for Supporting Women with Substance Use Disorders and their Newborns

Data shows a significant national rise in Opioid Use Disorder and babies with Neonatal Opioid Withdrawal Syndrome presenting at hospitals for labor and delivery. The tragic nature of this situation does not always produce compassion and best practices toward the mother or infant, even among well intentioned care providers. Two

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Shared by United Resource Connection March 1, 2023

Free Evidence Based Online Course on Fentanyl & Overdose Risks

A free, evidence-based online course, Fentanyl Facts and Overdose Risk, has been developed in partnership with the Addiction Policy Forum and the National Institute on Drug Abuse.  The course discusses facts about fentanyl in the U.S., the increasing risk of overdose, and resources for communities to address the increasing risks. 

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Shared by United Resource Connection February 24, 2023

Drug Drop Off Day February 25th 2023

The Ohio Attorney General’s Office and the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office are partnering to host a Drug Drop Off Day on Saturday February 25th 2023, from 10 am to 2 pm. On Drug Drop Off Day, you may safely dispose of any unwanted or unused medications at any of the following

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Shared by United Resource Connection February 20, 2023

Drug Prevention Education Videos by Ohio Hamilton County Coroner available online.

Ohio Hamilton County Coroner, Dr. Lakshmi Sammarco, and Cincinnati DEA Resident Agent, Joe Reder, presented a drug prevention education series with Cincinnati Country Day high school students. The presentation included the latest on fentanyl, meth, and date rape drugs. The presentations were recorded and are available for viewing on YouTube. 

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Shared by United Resource Connection February 15, 2023

Latina Heart Health Awareness Educational Videos

Only 1 in 3 Latinas is aware that heart disease is the #1 killer in all women.  Heart disease is the #1 cause of death in all women including new moms. It kills 1 in 3 women. More than 43% of Latinas have cardiovascular disease. On average Latinas will have

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Shared by United Resource Connection February 14, 2023