Hamilton County Ohio Social Service News
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Department Of Disability Services Hosts Zoom Support Meeting Every 4th Tuesday

People with disabilities often face unique challenges in navigating the healthcare system, including communication barriers, lack of accessibility, and discrimination. Therefore, it is crucial for individuals with disabilities to receive support for advocacy in their healthcare to ensure they receive the appropriate care and accommodations they need. Advocacy can help

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Shared by United Resource Connection July 18, 2024

Free Bus Fare for VA Medical Center appointments

Hamilton County officials have announced that Veterans will now be provided FREE bus fare when traveling to VA Medical Center appointments. The program will involve one-day travel tickets that the patient can use to ride the bus to their appointment and back for free. The current process for requesting these

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Shared by United Resource Connection June 28, 2024

Screening Tools to Evaluate Patient Risk in Extreme Heat

During hot summer months it is particularly important to screen patients for risk factors. The CDC provides a screening tool which can be used for this. The screening tool is available for download as a pdf, and can be freely distributed to interested parties for use with patients or loved

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Shared by United Resource Connection June 25, 2024

Excessive Heat, Poor Air Quality And Shelter Information

The National Weather Service has issued a warning about high temperatures for our region. Hamilton County is under an excessive heat watch from Monday, June 17th at noon through Friday, June 21st at 8 PM. The threat is a prolonged period of dangerously hot conditions with heat index values near or

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Shared by United Resource Connection June 16, 2024

How to Obtain FREE Fentanyl Test Strips

Fentanyl test strips are a low-cost method of helping prevent drug overdoses and reducing harm. Fentanyl test strips are small strips of paper that can detect the presence of fentanyl in different kinds of drugs, like cocaine, methamphetamine, and heroin, as well as other substances. The test strips can be

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Shared by United Resource Connection June 13, 2024

Cincinnati Public Schools Offer Full-Service Health Centers

Cincinnati Public Schools offer full-service health centers at sites around the district to serve the medical needs of students, families and the community. Currently, there are 25 School-Based Health Centers to serve students’ needs; 10 of those centers are also open to the community. The school based health centers offer

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Shared by United Resource Connection May 10, 2024

Low Income HIV AIDS Healthcare Resources

Access to affordable and adequate healthcare is a fundamental human right, yet low-income individuals and those living with HIV AIDS often face numerous barriers in accessing quality healthcare services. Lack of financial resources, limited access to healthcare facilities, and stigma and discrimination are just a few of the challenges faced

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Shared by United Resource Connection May 9, 2024

Healing Center provides food, clothing, personal care, and health services.

The Healing Center, located in Springdale at 11345 Century Circle, provides a number of services to struggling individuals and families. The services are freely available on a walk-in basis regardless of the county, city or state of one’s residence. Services include a food pantry and clothing closet, as well as

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Shared by United Resource Connection April 9, 2024

Hamilton County’s 5 1 3 Relief Bus Services

Hamilton County has a bus that visits local neighborhoods to provide health screenings, mobile healthcare, and enrollment assistance for a wide variety of social services and economic relief programs. The bus is called the “5 1 3 Relief Bus”. The 5 1 3 Relief bus schedules visits with municipalities throughout

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Shared by United Resource Connection April 5, 2024

Healthcare Services for Homeless

The Cincinnati Health Network serves individuals experiencing homelessness or living with HIV/AIDS in the Tri-State area. They provide the following services at all their locations: Physical Exams, Blood Tests, Medication Assistance, Drug and Alcohol Abuse Screening & Treatment, Smoking Cessation Help, Diabetes Treatment and Education, Dental Referrals, Pregnancy testing, Testing

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Shared by United Resource Connection April 3, 2024

Free Cooking Classes Hosted by Ohio State University

A FREE basic cooking class series hosted by The Ohio State University will be held at the Golf Manor Municipal Building, located at 6450 Wiehe Road. The cooking series will be held over the course of 10 weeks, from April 2nd to June 4th, 2024, meeting on Tuesday nights from

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Shared by United Resource Connection March 19, 2024

A Matter of Balance

Falling is a serious risk for aging individuals, as it can lead to severe injuries such as broken bones, head trauma, and even death. As we age, our balance and coordination tend to decline, making us more susceptible to falling. It is crucial for older adults to take proactive steps

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Shared by United Resource Connection March 12, 2024

Upcoming Free Ballet and Yoga Events

Several Hamilton County Public Libraries are hosting FREE yoga and ballet events for individuals of all ages. Practicing yoga promotes flexibility, strength, and balance, enhancing physical well-being regardless of age. Ballet fosters grace, coordination, and posture, contributing to overall body awareness and confidence throughout life’s stages. Both disciplines offer mental

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Shared by United Resource Connection February 22, 2024