The Social Security Administration creates an annual statement for each individual, showing how much you have paid in Social Security and Medicare taxes, and how much you would get in Social Security benefits when you reach full retirement age. The Social Security Administration recalculates your retirement benefit each year after
Hamilton County has a bus that visits local neighborhoods to provide health screenings, mobile healthcare, and enrollment assistance for a wide variety of social services and economic relief programs. The bus is called the “5 1 3 Relief Bus”. The 5 1 3 Relief bus schedules visits with municipalities throughout
The Hamilton County Department of Job & Family Services has an online portal that allows individuals and families to apply for services completely online. The portal allows applicants to sign electronically when submitting their application for services. The Hamilton County Department of Job and Family Services offers a number of
There’s a Medicare “Extra Help” program provided by the Social Security Administration which helps with prescription drug costs. The program helps low income individuals pay their Medicare prescription (Part D) drug coverage, like premiums, deductibles, coinsurance, and other costs. Everyone who qualifies for the Extra Help program will pay: $0
Medicare provides essential healthcare coverage for millions of Americans, offering access to necessary medical services and prescription drugs. However, navigating the complexities of Medicare can be daunting, often requiring assistance to understand eligibility criteria, coverage options, and enrollment processes effectively. Accessible support services can greatly alleviate the burden, ensuring individuals
HealthSource of Ohio provides FREE over-the-phone insurance application help. Assistance includes help with applications for Medicaid, Emergency Medicaid, Medicaid renewals, and SNAP food benefit applications and renewals. This assistance is provide to anyone who is an Ohio resident and U.S. citizen. People who receive this assistance are not required to be, is accepting enrollment for individuals eligible for Parts A (Hospital Insurance) & B (Medical Insurance). Individuals who have a Medicare Advantage plan may also use this time period to switch back to Original Medicare, or to change to a different Medicare Advantage plan. You can only join, switch, or
The Social Security Administration website provides direct access to do things like: Check eligibility for benefits, Plan for retirement, Apply for benefits, Sign up for Medicare, Appeal a decision, and/or Check application or appeal status. They offer four portals on their website to accomplish these tasks: there’s a “Documents” portal,
If you had Marketplace health insurance in 2023, you can renew, change, or update your plan for 2024 until January 15, 2024. If you want your coverage to start by January 1st, 2024, then you must enroll by December 15th. Doing nothing will automatically re-enroll you in the program you
United Resource Connection is seeking Medicaid and SNAP recipients for input and feedback about local support programs and services. One of the goals of United Resource Connection is to make access to support services more user-friendly. One of the ways we do this is by providing more than phone numbers
U.S. Congressional gridlock can temporarily shut down big parts of the federal government — including many health programs. If it happens, some government functions would stop completely and some in part, while others wouldn’t be immediately affected — including Medicare, Medicaid, and health plans sold under the Affordable Care Act.
Free community resources fairs are held at the North Plaza of the downtown Main Library on the final Thursday of each month. These resource fairs offer individual assistance to get connected with area services, including access to free primary care health services and medicaid navigation, free legal aid, and discount
As the federal public health emergency declared in response to the COVID-19 pandemic comes to an end, healthcare access may be impacted in several ways. One major concern is the potential loss of insurance coverage for those who gained it due to emergency measures, such as expanded Medicaid eligibility and