The Library offers free printing services at all of the Hamilton County locations.  You may print 20 pages per day for free.  Additional pages can be printed at a cost of $0.15 per page in black and white and $0.25 per page in color. You do not need a library card to use
Funding is available to obtain in-person tutors for school students and adult learners. There are grant opportunities separately available for students and adult learners through Learning Aid Ohio, and Adult Literacy Ohio, respectively. Once approved, one can browse available tutors in your area with the expertise needed, and schedule interviews
The Cincinnati Recreation Commission is hosting a FREE pediatric CPR class Saturday October 12th from 9 AM to 2 PM at the Clifton Recreation Center, located at 320 McAlpin Avenue. The class is great for children 12 and older who are going to be babysitting younger kids, as well as adults
The Cincinnati Computer Cooperative, located at 49 Novner Drive, is a non profit organization that provides low cost home computers to those in need. Low-income individuals and families, students from Kindergarten to Postgraduate, and individuals over the age of 55 are eligible to buy from the Cooperative. Both desktop and
Medication Assisted Recovery and outpatient services for women with Opiod Addiction are available at My Sisters Garden, located in Deer Park. They accept Medicaid and offer medication assisted treatment, as well as case management and individual, group, and family therapy. New clients can schedule by calling 513 686-7809. Service application
If you or somebody you know has a disability and would like to work, Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors can help them explore options. The State of Ohio provides at no charge vocational rehabilitation counselors to individuals with disabilities. One can apply online for these services or by calling 1 800 282-4536 to
Individuals who have had their driver’s license or Ohio professional license suspended due to lack of child support payments, can have these licenses reinstated if they make payment arrangements this August. Payment arrangements must be made with the Child Support Division of the Hamilton County Department of Job & Family
“Dress for Success Cincinnati” is an organization that provides professional clothing to women returning to, or entering, the workforce. Many women entering the workforce encounter in which they need appropriate attire to have a successful job interview, but can’t afford proper attire for the interview without a job. Dress for
The Hamilton County Youth Employment Program provides year-round opportunities for employment, career exploration, professional development and credentialing for Hamilton County youth ages 14 through 21. The program helps young people in Hamilton County find work, explore careers and remove barriers to create a clear path to more education or a
The Hamilton County Department of Job & Family Services has an online portal that allows individuals and families to apply for services completely online. The portal allows applicants to sign electronically when submitting their application for services. The Hamilton County Department of Job and Family Services offers a number of
Cincinnati & Hamilton County Public Library Cards are available to all Ohio residents. You can get a library card by completing an online application or by stopping by your local branch. Having a library card offers numerous benefits that extend beyond the simple act of borrowing books. Library cards grant
Expungement is a legal process that allows individuals with certain criminal records to have them cleared or sealed. This process is crucial for low-income individuals who are trying to improve their lives and make a living. Having a criminal record can limit job opportunities, housing options, and even access to is an official government website of the State of Ohio. The website provides resources for finding a job, learning career skills, and meeting the job requirements that accompany some government benefits. It also serves as a free resource for Ohio employers looking for workers. An OHIO ID provides a secure,