There’s a Medicare “Extra Help” program provided by the Social Security Administration which helps with prescription drug costs. The program helps low income individuals pay their Medicare prescription (Part D) drug coverage, like premiums, deductibles, coinsurance, and other costs. Everyone who qualifies for the Extra Help program will pay: $0
HealthSource of Ohio provides FREE over-the-phone insurance application help. Assistance includes help with applications for Medicaid, Emergency Medicaid, Medicaid renewals, and SNAP food benefit applications and renewals. This assistance is provide to anyone who is an Ohio resident and U.S. citizen. People who receive this assistance are not required to be,
The Social Security Administration website provides direct access to do things like: Check eligibility for benefits, Plan for retirement, Apply for benefits, Sign up for Medicare, Appeal a decision, and/or Check application or appeal status. They offer four portals on their website to accomplish these tasks: there’s a “Documents” portal,
The Library offers free printing services at all of the Hamilton County locations.  You may print 20 pages per day for free.  Additional pages can be printed at a cost of $0.15 per page in black and white and $0.25 per page in color. You do not need a library card to use
The United States Postal Service provides a pathway for homeless individuals to have a P.O. Box at no cost. A free P.O. box can be incredibly useful for homeless individuals as it provides them with a secure mailing address. This allows them to receive important documents, apply for job opportunities,
Administered by The Salvation Army, the Share the Light fund provides one-time assistance, up to $400, to eligible customers to help avoid disconnection or maintain service. The program opens January 18th. It is helpful to get started collecting the required documents ahead of the program opening, as it is a
There are a number of agencies that provide low income families holiday assistance in the Greater Cincinnati Area, offering Christmas gifts, meals, clothing, groceries and toys. Toys for Tots and the Salvation Army are two of these organizations. Toys for Tots provides children, including immigrants and newborns, free Christmas toys,
Hamilton County Job and Family services operates a program for Medicaid-eligible customers called the Non-Emergency Transportation program, or NET. This program provides transportation for any Medicaid eligible individual traveling to and from medical appointments that can be billed to Medicaid. Transportation can be in the form of bus passes, van
If you or someone you know is unable to pay for medications there are a number of programs that can help. The website NeedyMeds.Org has helpful information for finding programs to get FREE or low cost medication. They keep information updated on prescription assistance programs, $4 generics programs, medication coupons
FREE laundry services are available to low-income families, students, individuals and the homeless. Volunteers assist with the laundry services, and all laundry fees and supplies are paid for through generous donations. The laundry services are offered on a first come, first serve basis, and guests must remain present during throughout
The Cincinnati Computer Cooperative, located at 49 Novner Drive, is a non profit organization that provides low cost home computers to those in need. Low-income individuals and families, students from Kindergarten to Postgraduate, and individuals over the age of 55 are eligible to buy from the Cooperative. Both desktop and
Many pet owners who need housing, medical or rehabilitation services can not access these services because they will not surrender their pet. Surrendering one’s animal in order to receive housing, medical or rehabilitation services for oneself or family, can cause trauma to everyone involved. The Interfaith Hospitality Network provides a
The United States Department of Homeland Security provides Citizenship & Immigration Services, that include fee waivers for individuals that can demonstrate an inability to pay filing fees for various citizenship and immigration documents. The Form to Request a Fee Waiver and the Instructions for Completion are both available as pdf documents. This